24-Hour access is back! If you have a 24-hour membership, your account will have access to the gym after-hours once again! If your membership is frozen, and you would like to unfreeze, just come in or email us and we will get you all squared away.
If you have 24-Hour access, use your barcode keytag as you normally would on the door scanner to enter the gym after-hours. If you have lost your barcode, please come in or email us to get a new one (fees may apply). Your membership will return to your previous rate for 24-hour access unless you update your membership by 09/30/20. If you would like to upgrade to 24-hour access, there is a $15 upgrade fee to change your membership.
Things to note: 24-Hour members are required to abide by all sanitation requirements and other regulations as posted in the facility at all times. After-hours activity will be monitored daily to ensure all members are following current regulations. Members who do not follow our current regulations after-hours will be contacted and may lose their 24-hour access without refund. Showers are still UNAVAILABLE at this time due to current state restrictions.
Comments by Ethan Salo